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The Hebbeard
Coins and Medals,
April 24th and 25th, 1883,
Messrs. BANGS & CO.,
7 39 and 741 Broadway, New York City.
Catalogue by II. P. .SMITH, 269 West 52b Street, N. V.
All Coins or Medals in this Catalogue are guakanteed GENUINE,
except where “counterfeit” is mentioned, in which case you ma}' rely on
that being a fact also.
In m'der to facilitate the sales, and at the request of many of the Cataloyners,
the Auctioneers suggest that hereafter, xchen the bidding has reached fifty
cents, no advance bid of less than five cents to be received ; when the bidding
has reached two dollars and a half, no bid. to be less than ten cents, and when
the bidding has reached ten dollars, no bid to be less than twenty-five cents.
1 1 1
1 1
J 1j
1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
lilLj L
1 1
8 1
a 16 20 24- 28 32
30 40 44 48 52 56 60 64
i| 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
' 1 ‘
d 1 1793 Bermuda, and 1836 Antigua; good; 2 pees
1 2 1806 Bahama, and 1793 Bermuda; good; 2 pees
'i'. 3 1788 Barbadoes Penny, very good
io 4 1833-47 Liberia Cents; good; 2 pees
5 South Ameriean and Mexiean; (one Cartagena and 2 Bolivia
medals) eoins and tokens; good lot; 80 pees
o 6 Niekels of Jamaiea, Peru, Chile, Costa Riea, Colombia and
Venezuela: good; 8 pees
0 7 Portugal, Azores and Afriea: (all large but two) good; 11
1 8 Gibraltar, St. Helena and Isle of Man: fair to very good; 12
9 1797 George III. Twopenee: fine, very little eireulated
1 . 10 1797 George III. Twopenee and Penny: good; 2 pees
S 11 1675-1835 Charles II. to Wm. IV. Farthings: good; 8 pees
S 12 English Penny Tokens; fair to very good; 9 pees
vi'" 13 1792 Lady Godiva Halfpenny: rev., elephant with hoeks
like a eow; also one 1795; rev., Coventry eross: good; 2
0 14 Farthing tokens, Earlysman, Newton, Spenee’s Pig’s meat:
Woolwieh; ete., also small models; good; 12 pees
15 Halfpenny tokens; fair to fine; 70 pees
1 16 1689-90 Ireland, James IL, Gun-money; 6, 12, 30d. and
Crown: very good set; 4 pees
17 1689-90 Gun-money, Crowns, ^Crowns and Shillings; vari-
ous dates; good; 9
18 Irish and Scotch; Halfpenny and Farthing tokens: good;
‘23 pees
\ 19 1837 Monaco, 5 centimes: Roumania, 5 and 10 Bani: very
good; 4 pees
‘20 Uncirculated coins of Austria, France, Lombardy, Sicily, etc. :
a desirable lot; 31 pees
21 1772-3 Moldavia; 1 and 2 Paras: good; 2 pees
lo 22 1765 Russia, large 5 Kopecks: very good
23 1757-1869 Russia, U L 2, 3 and 5 Kopecks: 1 pierced: good
lot: varieties; 23 pees
, 24 Bag of Coins of Siam, Japan, Java, China, India, Pulo Pe-
nang, Greece, Tunis, Egypt, Turkey and Morocco: poor to
uncirc. 84 pees
25 Old French medalets and tokens of 17th and 18th Centuries;
some Dutch; an interesting lot: no jettons: very good;
90 pees
1 w 26 Spielmarkes and Abbey tokens: some very odd; very good;
114 pees
27 Canadian, Coins and tokens: fair to fine; 100 pees
28 Counterfeits and Mint weights; 27 pees
29 Bag of miscellaneous Coppers; 275 pees
30 Another bag miscellaneous Coppers; 150 pees
31 Ancient bronze. Augustus, Nero, Crispina, Constantins, etc.
1st, 2nd and 3d br. : also Denarius of Hadrian: good lot;
8 pees
32 1652 Massachusetts, Pine-tree shilling : fair
i 33 1787 Massachusetts, Half-Cent: good
' 34 1788 Massachusetts, Cents, varieties: good; 2 pees
I 35 1785 Vermonts, planchet defective as usual: good
36 Vermont, New Jersey and Connecticut: good; 8 pees
37 1787 New York, figure to right; and 1789, Mott’s earliest
U. S. token; thin planchet: good; 2 pees
38 1794 New York, Talbot, Allum & Lee, Cent: very good
0 39 1795 New York, Talbot, Allum & Lee, Cent: fine; olive
%o 40 1773 Virginia, 1783 Nova Constellatio and 1787 Fugio:
very good; 3 pees
I c 41 Kentucky Cent; payable in Lancaster, London or Bristol on
edge; very good
II 42 Kentucky Cent, plain edge: very good
43 Kentucky Cent; plain edge: good
X ■, 44 1767 Louisiana Sou, counter stamped “ RF”; good
45 1783 Georgius Triumphs, rev., “ Voce Popoli ”; very good
IT 46 1783 Washington “Unity,” and double head Cents; good;
2 pees
47 1783 Washington, rev., United States: and “Liberty and
Security ’’ Penny; fair and good; 2 pees
I* 48 1723 Wood’s Halfpence and Farthing; Columbia Farthings
and Ships, Colonies, U. S. flag: good lot; 6 pees
49 “Am I Not A Man And A Brother”; also “Woman &
A Sister ”; fine; 3 pees
II 50 Electrotypes of Washington small eagle Cent, and the
“ General of American Armies 1789 ”; deceptive; 2 pcs
II 51 Electrotypes of Inimaca Tyrannis; Virginia Penny and
“ 1792 Parent of Science” Cent; finely made; 3 pees
1 52 1834-41 U. S. Bank Tokens, and cards dated 1837: some
fine and desirable varieties; no duplicates; good to very
fine; 41 pees
53 Duplicates of preceding lot: 2 pierced; fair to fine; 36 pees
I 4 54 Store Cards, various metals and sizes, some pierced ; good
lot; 156 pieces
55 Bag of unassorted War Tokens ; 400 pees
' 56 Another bag of unassorted War Tokens; 400 pees
57 Another and last bag of unassorted War Tokens; 407 pees
■ ' 58 1849 Peace Medal of Prest. Taylor ; fine bust; size 32
The following politicals are in various metals and nearly all pierced.
r , 59 Politicals of Jackson, Harrison, Taylor, Pierce, Fillmore
and Buchanan
60 Lincoln; 25 pees
61 Grant, Hayes and Garfield; 17 pees
62 Garfield, bust by Barber: rev,, “Born Nov. 19, 1831,
Died Sep. 19, 1881 very fine ; silver; sizes 12 and 16;
2 pees
63 Garfield, same bust: rev., bust of Lincoln; very fine; silver;
12 and 16; 2 pees
64 Parties who wanted to be President — Clay, Scott, Fremont,
Bell, McClellan, Greeley, Tilden and Hancock; disap-
pointed lot; 37 pcs
; ^ 65 7th Regt,, N, Y, S. N. G. ; bust of Col. Clark in oval; rev.,
the new armory; badge-shaped 18 x 22; bronze and W.
M. ; fine; 2 pees
i 66 Duplicates of preceding lot; bronze and W. M. ; fine;
2 pcs
\ 67 Miscellaneous Medalets, copper and brass; 13 to 20; good,
some pierced; 25 pees
68 Miscellaneous white metal Medals, etc.; 15 to 32; fine lot;
22 pcs
> 0 69 1795 Flowing hair; good
■>o 70 1795 Fillet; very good impression
71 1796 Large date; very good
I n 12 1797 Seven stars facing; very good
V 73 1797 Six stars facing; several scratches, otherwise very
good .
■ >0 74 1798 Small eagle; very good impression of this desirable
.> 75 1798 Large date; good
r 76 1799 Very good impression
I 77 1800 Good
I ... 78 1800 Flawed die; An imaginative collector once styled this
“an olive branch through date”; good
) V 19 1801 Very good and well struck
: 80 1802 Very good impression
81 1803 Italic 3; good
82 1836 Flying eagle; very good, almost fine
' ■ 83 1841 Fine, light nicks
. ( 84 1843 Fine
loo 85 1853 Very good impression
roy 86 1859 Very fine; “O” mint
i0(. 87 1861 and ’62; Good; 2 pees
1 00 88 1863, ’64 and ’65; Good; 3 pees
l.b 89 1866 Proof
90 1867, ’68 and ’69; Fine; 3 pees
91 1870 and ’73; Very good; former “CC” mint; 2 pees
ico 92 1874, ’77 and ’78 Trades; fine and uneire.: latter “S” mint;
3 pees
i\i 93 1878 Standards; 7 and 8 feathered eagle tails; former “S”
mint; uneire.; 2 pees
94 1879 Standard; proof
'.j- 95 1879 Trade; proof
96 1880 Standard; proof
97 1880 Trade; proof; rev., tarnished
l3o 98 1881 Standard; proof
loo 99 1881 Standard; obv. proof
So 100 1881 Trade; proof
^polOl “C. Beehtler, 5 Dollars at Rutherf.”: rev., “Georgia Gold,
22 Carats: 128 G.”; fine
Izo 102 “Beehtler, 2.50 Rutherf.”: rev., “Carolina Gold, 21 Carats;
67 G.”; fine, thiek
3o 103 “A. Beehtler, 1 Dol.”: rev., “Carolina Gold, 21 C. ; 27 G.”;
L 104 1795, and 1806 over ’05, Very fair ; 2 pees
105 1806 Pointed 6 ; on one the olive braneh does not pass
through eagle’s elaws ; fine ; 2 pees
106 1830 Proof surfaee
‘ ' 107 1836 Milled edge ; good
108 1841 Very good, one “O” mint; 2 pees
109 1855, ’56, ’57, ’58 and ’59 : “ S ” mint : the ’57 has been to
China : average good ; 5 pees
110 1861 Confederate, re-strike ; an unexeelled impression : this
pieee has been offered to several parties as an original:
but it is eertainly not
111 1862, ’63, ’64, ’65, ’66, ’67 and ’68; “ S ” mint : all very
good ; 7 pees
112 1873 With and without arrows : “ C C ” mint ; very good ;
2 pees
113 1879 Proof
114 1880 Proof
115 1881 Proof
116 1881 Uncirculated, proof surface ; 2 pees
U 117 1805 and ’06, Very good ; 2 pees
^ i' 118 1807 Good and fair ; 2 pees
XS‘119 1815 and ’25 ; Good ; former has letters sunk on it ; 2 pees
iS 120 1832, ’34 and ’38 : Fine; 3 pees
'>'} 121 1840 and ’46 : Fine ; 2 pees
t'l 122 1855 and ’56 : “S” mint ; very fair ; 2 pees
123 1863, ’64, ’65 and ’69 : “S” mint (except ’63) : very good
to fine ; 5 pees
4 124 1879 Proof
Hp 125 1880 Proof
f "126 1881 Proof
2. 127 1875 and ’76, Twenty-Cent pieces; one large planchet ;
(one milled edge, fair) ; fine ; 4 pees
U. S. DIMES, Etc.
128 1805 Good
3o 129 1807 and ’ll. Fair ; 2 pees
itj 130 1814, ’21, ’27 and ’28, Very good ; 4 pees
) 0 131 1837, ’38 and ’40, Former two, without stars ; very good ;
4 pees
132 1853 (No stars), ’56 (large) and ’57, good to fine; 3 pees
\'l 133 1860, ’63, ’64, ’65, ’66 and ’67; All “S” mint, but the ’66;
former with stars: good lot; 6 pees
134 1873, ’74, ’75, ’76, ’77, ’78 and ’81; All uncirculated; 8 pees
135 1875, ’79, ’80 and ’81: proofs; 4 pees
-2-3 1 136 1797 Half Dime; very good
137 1795 and 1800 Half Dimes; fair and good, respectively; 2
138 1829, ’33 and ’35, Half Dimes: fine; 3 pees
139 1840, ’45 and ’47; Half Dimes; very good; 3 pees
140 1861, ’2, ’3, ’5, ’6, ’7, ’8, ’9, ’70 and ’71; The ’66 pierced ; ’7
and ’8 are “S” mint: good to fine; 10 pees
141 1851, % ’3, ’4, ’5, ’6, ’7, ’8, ’9, ’60, ’1, ’2, ’4, ’7 and ’70: Three-
Cent pees; good to uncirculated; 18 pees
142 1879, ’80 and 81; Five-Cent nickels: proofs; 3 pees
143 1879, ’80 and ’81;. Three-Cent nickels: proofs; 3 pees
144 1867, ’69, ’75, ’76 and ’81; Three-Cent nickels: uncirc.; 6
4- 145 1864, ’5, ’6, ’7, ’8, ’9, ’70, ’1 and ’2 ; Two-Cent pees : average
fine; 9 pees
0 146 1856 Nickel Cent: uncirculated, sharp
5"5"147 1856 Nickel Cent: a very deceptive alteration; bought for
1 148 1879, ’80 and ’81 Bronze Cents; proofs; 3 pees
) 149 Uncirculated Cents, several dates; 82 pees
7. 0 150 1793, Wreath, good
151 1794, Fallen 4, very good
152 1795, Lettered and plain edges; and 1796 Liberty cap; very
fair; 3 pees
^153 1804, Broken die; very fair
- t 154 1805, ’06 and ’07; Good; 3 pees
155 1808, Very good impression
156 1809, Very fair
157 1811, Good, corroded
i-o 158 1813, Very good impression
/ 159 1818, Uncirculated; obv. perfect die; legend connected on
.. 160 1797, ’8, 1800, ’1, ’2, ’3, ’6, ’7, ’10, ’12, ’14 to ’57 inclusive ;
balance of set; fair to fine; 72 pees
j 161 Half Cents, 1797 to 1856 ; all diflPerent ; average good ; 22
(,‘g 162 1750, Prussia ; Thalers of Frederick the Great, and Fred.
Wm. II. ; fair and good ; 3 pees
Yj 163 1803-’30. Fred, Wm. III.; Thalers; all different types;
good ; 5 pees
OS' 164 1854 Fred. Wm. IV, ; Double-Thaler; very good
lo 165 1861-’7l William and Augusta; Coronation and Peace
Thalers ; very good ; 2 pees
51 166 1861 William and Augusta, Coronation and ’67 Thalers ;
also 2 Marks of the Empire ; very good to fine ; 3 pees
if 167 1744 Hungary ; Maria Theresa : Crown ; young bust : rev.,
the Virgin and Child on a crescent ; fine
‘5''- 168 1765 Austria^ Maria Theresa: Crown; large bust: loop
removed ; very good
35" 169 1765-’95 Francis I. and II, : Half-Crowns ; good; 2 pees
So 170 1794 Francis II., Crown ; good
4-S‘ 171 1858 Francis Joseph, Thaler, and ’81, Florin : good ; 2 pees
to 172 1879 Francis Joseph and Elizabeth, Matrimonial Double-
Florin ; very good
•^1 173 1874-’9 Francis Joseph : Florins ; one Hungarian : uncircu-
lated ; 2 pees
sr 174 1764 Bavaria, Maximilian Joseph : Crown ; very fair
'jo 175 1773 Max. Joseph : Crown : large bust : rev., the Virgin
on clouds amid a sun-burst ; very good
\>o 176 1828 Louis I. ; Crown : head to right : rev,, portaits of his
eight children suri’oimding that of their mother; very
l.'o 177 1842 Louis I.; Double-Thaler: his portrait: rev., jugated
portraits of Maximilian and his bride Marie of Prussia ;
US' 178 1848 Louis I. ; Double-Thaler; good
6's 179 1855 Maximilian II. ; Double-Gulden : rev., the Munich
statue of the Virgin and Child ; fine ; 2 pees
o' 180 1871 Louis II. ; Thalers; one for the Peace .Jubilee : very
gord ; 2 pees
fjolSl 1585 iSaxony ’ Crown of John Casimir and John Ernest ;
their busts vis-a-vis, above the date: loop removed; good
\xs‘182 1699 John George; Crown-sized medal of Salzen: fine view
of the city : rev., three hands clasped within “ Order of
the Elephant ” : fine; 27
i 183 1852 Fred. Augustus, and John (1858); Thalers: good; 2
I3S"184 1872 John and Amelia; Double-Thaler: fine portraits to
right, jugata; rev., “ 1822 — 10 November — 1872 ” : struck
for their golden wedding; uncirculated
“jo 185 1825 Wurtemberg ; William; Crown: small head to right;
7 S' 186 1849 William, Double-Gulden : large head to left ; very
•W 187 1874 Karl; Five Marks; fine portrait: rev.. Imperial arms;
l^o 188 1844 Baden; Leopold: Double-Thaler; portrait to right:
rev., the statue of Chas. Frederick; very good
V-o 189 1759 Hamburg ; 32 Schilling: also same for Lubeck: good
and fine; 2 pees
••S' 190 1876 Hamburg: Five Marks; city arms: rev.. Imperial
arrns ; fine
iDe 191 1864 Bremen: Thaler; fine view of the new Stock Ex-
change; fine
^^"192 1859 Bremen: 36 Grote: city arms: fine; 2 pees
\\S"193 1844 Frankfort : Double-Thaler : crowned spread eagle ;
70 194 1863 Frankfort: Thalers; the King reviewing troops : also
one with statue of Germania 1862 : fine and good ;
2 pees
^ri95 1855 Anhalt: Alex. Charles: Silver-mine Thaler: a cheese-
cloth bear on a wall; very good
70 196 1643 Brunswick; Duke Augustus; Crown: half-length
figure in armor decorated with bees ; rev., arms : pierced
near rim; very good
1^0 197 1769 Brunswick; George III. (of England): Crown; St.
> Andrew with his cross : rev., British arms; fine
'rl98 1757 Nuremberg; Crown: bust of Francis I. by Loos:
rev., eagle with shields; fine
%ri99 1765 Nuremberg; Crown of Joseph II. ; view of city; very
3s'200 1797 Republic of Ragusa; Ducatoon; obv. arms; rev.,
saint standing; good
M-o 201 Heilbronn medal; Baden 2 Marks ; Brunswick 16 Grosclien
and Dutch Golden (1.75 face value) : fine and good ;
3 pees
•Jo 202 1658 Holland; Ducatoons; poor: 2 pees
2.':. 203 1768 Zurich, Half-crown, view of city ; and 2nd Swiss
festival in N. Y. obv., the oath of the Grutli: very good;
2 pees
IsS" 204 Berne, finely executed medals; bear on shield: rev., a bee-
hive and workers: very fine: size 20 and 22; 2 pcs
12. 205 1875 Helvetic Confederation; 1 and 2 Francs: by JBovy:
fine; 3 pcs
I So 206 1838 Sweden, Carl XIV. (Mai’shal Bernadotte, once a boot-
black): Crown: fine portrait: rev., arms decorated with
“Order of the Seraphim”; uncirculated
%o 207 1776 Denmark; Christian YH. ; Crown: “Gloria ex amore
patriae”: good
<io208 1826 Denmark; Frederick VI. : Crown: head to right; fine
lor 209 1807 Schleswig-Halstein; Christian VII. ; Crown: head to
right in wig; fine
7o210 1834 Russia: “Alexander” Rouble; his portrait: rev., a
monument: also one 1878 Alex. II. : good and fine; 2 pcs
Z\o 1735 Naples; Charles; Crown: a river-god reclines before
Vesuvius; good
7S'212 1805 Sicily; Ferdinand IV.: Crown: bust in circle: rev.,
crowned arms; very good
^0 213 1808 Sicily, Joseph Napoleon: Crown: head to left: rev.,
mermaids supporting arms; very good
214 1775 Rome; Pius VI. : Half-Crowns; different types: good;
2 pees
215 1829 Rome, Sede Vacante; Crown: obv.. Cardinals arms;
rev.. Religion on clouds points to St. Peter’s; very good
^S^21Q 1872 Italy, Victor Emanuel II.; Five Lire; good
217 1801 Republic of Eridania; Five Francs; good
(jS 218 1875 Spain; Alphonso XII. Five Pesetas; fine
219 1869 Spain; Republic; 1 and 2 Pesetas; good; 2 pees
220 1705-1818 Portugal; 200 and 400 Reis; fine; 2 pees
^(? 221 1777 F)'ance ; Louis XVI. ; Crown; bust to left: very fair
ho 222 1793 Republic; Six Livres (or Francs): Recording angel:
CfQ 223 1815 Louis XVIII. ; Five Francs; good
224 1868 Napoleon III.; Five Francs; also one of 1873, Repub-
lic: very good; 2 pees
S"c) 225 (1422) England; Henry V.; Calais Groat; very good
226 1563 Elizabeth; 3 and 6d.; Crown and cross, m. m.’s: fair
to very good ; 3 pees
• 2- 227 (1649) Charles L; 1, 2 and 12d. (latter poor) good; 3
KS' 228 1696 William III.; Crown: very good
4o 229 1690 William III.; medal: “the glorious and immortal
memory pierced ; good
i.'o 230 1707 Anne; Crown; Edinburgh mint; very good
SS" 231 1804 George III. ; Dollar: struck over Spanish Peso; good
bo 232 1804-’13 George III. ; l^j 3 and 5 Shillings, Bank of Eng-
land; very good; 4 pees
'"I 233 1805-’] 3 George III.; 5, 10 and 30 Pence. Irish; good; 4
IW 234 1819 George III. and IV.; Crowns: good; 2 pees
Vi 235 1879-’81 Victoria; 2|, 2, 1, ^ and ^ Shillings; fine set; 5
S: 236 1689-1880; Half-Crowns of Wm. and Mary, Geo. IV. and
Victoria; also Florin of latter; fair to fine; 4 pees
.2*4 237 1693-1866 Set of Shillings of every ruler (except Wm. IV.)
good lot; 8 pees
238 1686-1874 Maunday money: (2 pierced) and 4 Sixpences:
fair to fine; 15 pees
7- 239 1858-’81, Canada 5, 10, 20, 25 and 50 Cents: New Found-
land, 5, 20 and 50 Cents: and New Brunswick, 10 and 20
Cents: good to fine; 10 pees
240 1868 Hong Kong, Dollar, 20, 10 and 5 Cents: very good;
4 pees
241 1867 Hong Kong, Dollars: one chop-marked: very good;
2 pees
242 1877 India, “Empress” and 1 Rupee: fine; 2 pees
i 243 1877 India, “Empress” Rupee and 2 two Anna pees;
good to fine; 3 pees
Kj 244 Siam, “Elephant” Tical, and Indian Rupee with native
characters: very good; 2 pees
p 245 Japan, oblong Itze and J Bous; fine: 2 of each; 4 pees
246 Japan; San Francisco issue: 5, 10, 50 and 100 Sen (Dollar);
fine; 4 pees
3 247 Japan, native issue, values in English: 5, 10 Sen and 1 Yen
(Dollar); fine; 3 pees
\09 248 Japan, “420 grains Trade Dollar’’; rev., three characters in
wreath; very good
I ' 249 Java, Japan, Mauritius and Guinea: 5, 10 and 25 cent
sizes; good; 7 pees
2'. 250 1297 Turkey, 20, 5, 1 and \ Piastres ; fine silver: fine; 5 pees
l‘i. 251 1223 Turkey, 20 and 2 Piastres: 1277 Egypt 1 and i Pias-
tres: all base; good; 4 pees
252 1733 Mexico, “ Cob Money,” ^ and Dollar; 2 pierced:
good; 6 pees
1^^^253 1766 “ Pillar ” Dollar of Charles III. ; fine
254 1823-’66 Dollars of Iturbide and Maximilian, the only
North American Emperors: nick in field: good; 2 pees
255 1866 Maximilian, |-jind 1 Peso; very good; 2 pees
(>0 256 1843 Liberty seated; rev., “ Jura de la Constitution Mexi-
cana”: fine; 4 real size
257 1871 Sword and scales. Dollar and half dollar ; very
good; 2 pees
io 258 1875 Dollar, old type restored; fine
6 259 1784-1821 Brazil: 320, 640 and 960 Reis (dollar) ; very
good; 3 pees
0 260 1880 Peru: 1 and 5 Pesetas (dollar), new type: very fine;
2 pees
261 1870-’80 Dollars of new and old types; fine; 2 pees
262 1824 Ayacucho medal of Bolivar: bust to right: rev.,
Arms, etc.; fine; half-dollar size
3;A263 1870 Arequipa R. R. medal of the famous Henry Meiggs:
obv., a R. R. train crossing a bridge; a volcano casting
out stones, in background: rev., inscription 19 lines,
legend 4 lines; fine; size 32
/'$r, 264 1809 Demarary Dollar of 3 guilders; and 1875 Chile,
Peso: very fair and fine; 2 pees
Ub" 265 1834 Bogota Dollar, and 1869-75 ; 50 and 10 Centavos;
fine; 3 pees
si? 266 1877 Uruguay, Dollar, 20 and 10 Centesimas; fine; 3 pees
uo 267 1876 Venezuela ; Dollar, 50, 20 and 5 Centavos ; very
good; 4 pees
\oo 268 1842 and ’73 Guatemala Dollars; old and new type;
very good; 2 pees
zt? 269 South Ameriean pieees, 2 Real size (one 4 R piereed); good;
15 pees
^ 270 South Ameriean pieees, 20 Reals; 10, ^ R. and 6, ^ R. — 2
pierced; fair to fine; 36 pees
^‘271 Hayti 100 and 25 Centimes ; D. W. Indies, 3, 5 and 10
Cents: good; 6 pees
I'i 272 Miscellaneous Silver Coins, none base; about size and value
of a Franc: very good lot; 29 pees
lo 273 Another good lot, about size and value of a Dime: none
base; 40 pees
*+C274 Another lot. Half-dime size: none base: good; 17 pees
2i^;275 Miscellaneous base Silver Coins: from 5c. to ^ dol. size;
100 pees
1^ 276 Medals of the Bonaparte family; bronze, brass, and W, M.
A good assortment; size 8 to 24; 25 pees
277 Papal medals, various saints, one with reversible heads.
Cop., br. and W. M. ; 12 pieces
C. 278 Miscellaneous foreign medals; various metals; fair to fine;
8 to 28; 52 pieces
•■5 279 $1,000 Confed. Bond; $100 Missouri Defence, and 2 notes;
good; 4 pieces
' 280 1812 bT. Y. Court, bail dockets; fine; 3 pieces
5:5c=p281 Frame containing U. S. Currency; nearly all new and clean;
Autograph signed, red backs, perforated edges, etc. : face
value $16.96; 65 pieces: all in a fine carved black- walnut
frame; good glass; 31x39 inches. Very neat
' , 282 Perforated white- wood boards or strips, each composed of 3
layers; 2|xl4 inches — for holding coins; containing, from
7 to 22 spaces each: neatly ruled and numbered around
the circles (few exceptions); clean and neat; 180 pieces
^.So 283 Prime’s Coins, Medals and Seals; illustrated; cloth, N. Y.
1861; good
:^5t»284 Snowden’s Mint Manual of Coins of All Nations; embossed
plates, in colors; few pages loose; cloth, Phil. 1860
1^0 285 Mathew’s Coinages of the World, illustrated; cloth; N. Y.
1876; tine
286 Smith’s Illustrated U. S. Mint, with a readable sketch of
Coins in general; Phil. 1881, paper
bo" 287 Large Aes ; head of Janus Bifrons ; rev., a prow to right ;
fine; well patinated; size 42; weight lOj oz.
^^■288 Triens: helmeted head of Pallas to left: • • • • below: rev.,
a prow to right ; pellets below : very good, green patina-
tion; 29; weight oz.
*]o289 (14 A. D.) Augustus; 1st br. ; the Emperor seated before an
altar: rev., titles of Tiberius, by whom this was struck :
very good, thickly patinated
290 Augustus; 2d br.; rev., an altar: also one of Aug. and
Agrippa: rev., pug-nosed crocodile; very good; 2 pcs
291 Augustus and Agrippa : 2d br. ; differing heads: rev., croco-
diles and palm trees: all good; 3 pcs
, ^ OV292 (81 A. D.) Vespasian; 1st br.; laureated head to right: rev.,
Peace to left with branch and cornucopia: very fine, with
beautiful green patination
I (>n 293 (117 A. D.) Trajan; 1st br.; fine head to right: rev., Dacier
personified, seated on a buckler before a trophy : very
^^0 294 (138 A. D.) Hadrian ; 1st br. ; fine bust laureated : rev..
Piety standing between an altar and an ibis ; very fine,
light green patination
l>o 295 Hadrian; Istbr. ; very large fine bust : rev.. Valor, standing
with foot on a helmet : dark green patination ; very fine
\o 296 (141 A. D.) Faustina, Sr.; 1st br.; bust to right : rev., Ceres
with grain; bright green; good
3 ■'^297 (180 A. D.) Marcus Aurelius; 1st br. ; fine portrait laure-
ated : rev., Liberality seated : fine
298 (192 A. D.) Commodus ; 1st br.; fine bust with short
beard, to right : rev., Annona with cornucopia holds ears
of wheat over a modius; very fine and smooth green
299 Commodus ; 1st br.; very fine beardless bust, laureated :
rev.. Liberty standing holds a bell and hasta: very fine
and covered with a smooth, brilliant green patination ; a
2.1^0 300 (193 A. D.) Didlus Julianus ; 1st br. ; laureated portrait to
right : rev.. Fortune standing with rudder and cornuco-
pia : good. This was the wealthy citizen who purchased
the Empire after the death of Pertinax
)3ii 301 (249 A. D.) Philip the Arab ; 1st br. ; bust to right : rev..
Health feeding a serpent over an altar : fine, dark green
2^302 Philip the Arab ; 1st br. : rev., an elk walking to left,
“ Saeculares Augg very good
1^0 303 (251 A. D.) Trajan Decius ; Medallion^ crowned bust:
rev.. Felicity standing : patinated, very good ; size 22
• 5- 304 First bronzes of Alexr., Geta, Clodius Albinus, Max,
Hercules, Trajan Decius, etc.: fair to fine; 9 pcs
^«> 305 (518) Anastasius; 1st br. ; bust to right: rev., large M be-
tween stars, cross above : fine; size 21
10 306 (527) Justinus L; 1st br.; rude bust to right: rev., M; very
fair; 20
^0 307 (565) Justinian I.; Istbr. ; bust full-faced, holds an orb: rev.,
ANNO XVII. NiKo; fine; 22
Si 308 Justinian I.; 1st br.; large bust; rev., anno xxii. kyz.;
good; 22
^^309 (578) Justinus II. and Sophia; 1st br., two figures seated:
rev., ANNO V. NiKo; very good; 20
310 (582) Tiberius Constantine ; 1st br. ; full-faced bust : rev.,
ANNO V. CON. A.; fine; 23
311 First and Second bronzes of various Emperors: poor to fine;
36 pcs ’
812 Third bronzes of various Emperors : poor to fine; 73 pcs
313 Roman Colonials: 1st and 2d br., poor to fine ; interesting
lot ; 40 pcs
li 314 Counterfeit first br. of Tiberius and Vitellius; revs., Altar of
Lyons: and Mars to right: finely executed; 2 pcs
^^315 Egypt, Ptolemaic large bronze : head of Jupiter Ammon :
rev., E below eagle; been cleaned; very good; size 24
Ptolemic bronze : similar type ; cornucopia in field: very
good ; 22
|>31'7 Macedonia; Alexr. Magnus and Demetrius, small br.; good;
2 pcs
1^318 Locri-Epicne: 2d br.; head of Minerva: rev., female seated;
1^319 Suessa; 3d br.: fine head of Pallas to left : rev., rooster and
star; fine
D 320 Thurium; 3d br. heads to r. and 1.: rev., butting bulls: very
good; 2 pcs
‘o 321 Miscellaneous Greek, 2nd and 3rd br., of Syracuse, Sicyon,
Bruttium, Panormus, etc., etc. poor to good; 23 pcs
All fine and bronze, unless otherwise stated, final number refers to size.
322 1776. July 4. Libertas Americana. Fine head of Liberty
to left : rev., France defending the infant America from
the attack of the British lion ; 30
l"^323 1790. Manly Medal, restrike before the die was badly
broken, 11 Feb. O. S. 1732, under bust ; 31
324 1797. Bust of Washington to right, rev., fasces, sword and
laurels on cubic block ; 29
'1^325 1800. George Washington, Esq., by Westwood: rev.,
within wreath, “ with courage and fidelity,” etc ; 25
326 G. Washington Er : naked bust to right: rev., drum can-
non, etc.: this is the Voltaire medal ; very good ; 25
ir327 1796 George Washington, by Wyon : bust to right : rev.,
REPUB. AMERI on a scroll hanging before fasces can
non and caduceus, long insc. ; 21
328 1789 George Washington ; bust to right, by Twigg : rev.,
insc., white metal ; very good ; 22
329 1776. July 4. Front face Washington, “Unity of Govern-
ment,” etc.: rev.. He is a freeman^ etc. Nickel ; 21
S 330 1776-1876 Head of Washington : rev., Liberty seated,
implements of peace, etc. Copper and brass, 2 pcs; 24
331 1776-1876 Military bust of Washington, by ICei/ : rev.,
Independence Hall, Copper ; 24
>■1 332 1776-1876 Similar obv.; rev,, the cracked Liberty bell ;
copper ; 24
lo 333 1776 Head of Washington : rev., Carpenter’s hall, Phila.
Copper ; 24
J'O 334 1776 View of Independence Hall : rev,, the cracked
Liberty bell, thick ; 24
3c7 335 1776-1876 The large commission Medal ; 36
336 1860 George Washington, Born, Died : rev., U. S. mint
cabinet of medals ; 38
Benjamin Franklin : profile bust in Russian fur cap to left,
sawed out of planchet after being struck ; a very finely
executed portrait by Wright S Bale : rev,, blank, but
inscribed in ink “ Purchased from Mrs. Bale by McCoy.”
I have never heard of another like it. 12x16
>ir338 Benjamin Franklin : bust to right. “Plus Ultra ” below :
rev,, blank, Berlin iron, oval ; 12x16
7 339 George Washington : bust : rev,, Benjamin Franklin :
bust ; 20
^0 340 1786 “ Benj. Franklin, Natus Boston” : bust to left : rev.,
a genie invokes lightning from the clouds to strike a
crown and sceptre; from French mint; 29
U 341 Franklin and Montyon: busts jugata to left: rev,, insc. in
wreath; 26
l?o342 Baron Steuben: fine bust to left: rev., died at Steubenville
N. Y. etc. ; 32
i"o343 General Jacob Brown ; bust to right : rev., a trophy of
English spoils, an eagle on British flag, for battles of
Niagara, Erie and Chippewa; 40
p^»r344 Henry Clay : bust to left, by Wright: rev., hand upon a
scroll which is on a rock inscribed constitution; 48
'i'] 345 1848 Will Page ; bust to right, by Wright: rev., palette
and brushes ; 30
t 346 Indiana State Board of Agriculture : a harvest scene, train
of cars in background: rev., awarded to; 32
U 347
•io 349
I'O 356
Abraham Lincoln: porcelain medallion; beardless bust in
high relief on circular disk, made in France; diameter;
7 in.
Abraham Lincoln : very fine profile with beard, bronze,
silver-plated, with nut and screw at back for fastening ;
Abraham Lincoln : another, but much larger profile in iron,
nickel-plated : 4|x7 in.
Abraham Lincoln: profile on oval plaque, in high relief, in
iron, gold and silver plated; 4^x5^ in.
1805 Napoleon ; the Emperor and Murat in full suits of
mail, receiving the Mayors of Paris “ Pannonia Subacta ”:
rev., very fine figure of Victory passing before war
trophies, slightly nicked; 43
1805 Napoleo I. head to left, serpent on helmet : rev.,
female weeping beside trophy, capture of Vienna; 27
1809 Napoleo Magnus, head to right in iron crown: rev..
Victory with palm branch and thundei'bolt, battle of
Wagram; 27
1830 Napoleon: laureated head to right: rev., reception of
his remains from St. Helena ; the Emperor in apotheosis
above, gilt; 33
1830 French Republic; female head and fasces to right :
rev., a balance and tablet, triumph of truth over the
Jesuits ; 25
1876. French Centennial medal: helmeted head of Minerva
to left: rev., U. S. flags crossed; 32
1760 George III.; youthful bust to left: rev., heart within
oak and olive wreath, “ Entirely British ”; 22
1809 Wellington: bust in high relief to right: rev., victory
between eagle and lion, battle of Talavera; 26
359 1798 Lord Nelson, Victory of the Nile: female holding an
oval shield with his bust: rev., ships preparing for battle
“Theseus, 74, A. C.” engraved in field above; edge
^ inscribed; gilt; 30
7-^ 360 1757 Frederick the Great on horseback to left: rev., view
of a battle in full blast; 30
5So 361 1816. Blucher : very fine bust to left draped with lion
skin, “ Presented by the citizens of Berlin”: rev., the
Archangel standing on the fallen Satan, “1813, 1815,
1814”; one of the finest medals ever made in Berlin
iron ; 50
)&o 362 1842 Hamburg; a phoenix rising from afire: rev., map of
the city showing the burned district; 28
5o 363 1830. Wolfgang Duke of Anhalt, 1566: f faced bust: rev.,
insc. in palm wreath, struck by Duke Alexius at the 3d
Lutheran centennial; 26
364 1835 Carl von Nagler: head to right: rev., very beautiful
female figure borne by an eagle, post-chaises on raised
border surrounding; very finely executed; 26
8J^365 1844 Berlin exhibition medal. Germania seated: rev.,
locomotive on bridge within a very thick and finely exe-
cuted wreath ; 28
1 0 366 1842 Hamburg, St. Peter’s Church, as it was and is, made
from copper taken from the church of 1342; very
good; 28
^<^0 367 1849 Francis Joseph of Austria: head in high relief to
right: rev., Austria personified, holds a standard and
glaive over the fallen shield of Hungary; very handsome
medal; 37
> 368 1820 Ferdinand VII. of Spain: laureated head to left: rev.,
Spain personified with spear and shield disclosing a tablet;
lie 369 1749. Guadalupe surrenders. Britannia assisting a kneeling
female to rise: rev., Britannia with trident and trophy
stepping on a prow, in field “Moor, Barrington ”; 25
n 370 1768 Medical medal of Katherine II. of Russia: a fine bust
to right: rev., Katherine with her son Paul, explaining the
principles of vaccination to a female with nude child, the
demon smallpox, dead before a Hospital; beautiful medal;
371 17 82 Katherine II. of Russia; a large and fine bust to right:
rev., a trophy composed of a large club, paddles and
crossed flags erected in an open boat: refers to the vic-
tories which resulted in the annexation of the Crimea;
splendid medal: 50
lo o'p375
\ 00 03 76
loco 377
I3.SV 378
5>i>o 379
5 So 381
, 383
IS(»o 384
5’bc 385
6xi> 386
Sov 387
i>P^ 388
*<=’«> 390
“b oo 391
<Po 392
6 0393
7 <>‘'395
V, , 396
3 0397
1835 Nicholas of Russia: fine liead in high relief to left:
rev., large building on a hill; surrounded on the border by
the Zodiacal belt “Pultowa”; 40
1795 Eagle. Nicked; very good
1797 Eagle. 16 stars. Nicked; very fair
1799 Eagle. Nicked; fine
1801 Eagle. Trifle weak on left, showing a few drift
marks. Uncirculated; proof surface
1803 Eagle. Nicked; fine
1843 Eagle. Brilliant proof. As every collector of g>dd
knows, proofs of this period are seldom offered.
1862 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2|, $1. Brilliant proofs ; sold as a
1867 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2L $1. Brilliant proofs ; sold as a
1869 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2^, $1. Brilliant proofs ’ sold as a
1871 $20, $10, $5,_$3, $2^, $1* Brilliant proofs • sold as a
1795 Half Eagle; Nicked; very fine
1796 Half Eagle; very good
1798 Half Eagle; very fine
1800 Half Eagle; very good
1802 over 1. Half Eagle; very fine
1803 over 2. Half Eagle; very fine
1805 Half Eagle; very good
1807 Half Eagle; Head to right; very fine
1808 Half Eagle; very fine
1810 Half Eagle, large date; very fine
1811 Half Eagle; very fine
1812 Half Eagle; very fine
1813 Half Eagle; uncirculated
1796 Quarter Eagle; No stars: rev., slight cut on edge;
1802 Quarter Eagle; good
i 399
..*)«« 401
3r, 404
4 - 405
3.. 409
' 410
ISi 411
li'i 412
l3o 413
ISu 414
' • 415
Xox> 416
i.oo 418
»4 419
l.-|c 420
f|o 422
'.70 423
t ' 0 424
• 425
J 0^427
1804 Quarter Eagle; fine
1805 Quarter Eagle; very good
1807 Quarter Eagle; very fine
1808 Quarter Eagle; good
1824 Quarter Eagle; good
]829 Quarter Eagle; very fine, proof surface
1830 Quarter Eagle; very fine
1831 Quarter Eagle; very fine, proof surface
1832 Quarter Eagle; fine
1833 Quarter Eagle; fine
1834 Quarter Eagle; New style: some Vandal has scratched
anon the rev. ; uncirculated
1836 Quarter Eagle; good
1851 N. O. Quarter Eagle; fine
1849 Dollar. Uncirculated; a beauty
1851 Dollar. Very fine
1853 Dollar. Uncirculated
1855 Dollar. Charlotte? Only one I ever saw of this date
and mintage: very good
1855 Dollar. N. O. ; fine
1856 Dollar. San Francisco. Small head, type of ’55.
Only one other of this variety known; fine and desirable
1856 Dollar. Fery fine
Brilliant proof
Brilliant proof
Brilliant proof
Brilliant proof
1852 Half Dol. California, round, uncir.
1853 1 Dollar. Cal., octagonal; fine
1853 1 Dollar. Cal., “n” same; very fine
1853 Half Dol. Cal., round; fine
1855 ^ Dollar. Cal., octagonal; very fine
1855, ’6 Dollar. (]al., round; very fine; 2 pees
1856 Dollar. Cal., octagonal; very fine
1858 Dollar.
1859 Dollar.
1860 Dollar.
1861 Dollar.
1862 Dollar.
1873 Dollar.
1882 Dollar.
TS^432 1858 50 Cents; California Gold; an Eagle within a glory
perched upon an arrow, r, d, behind bust, unusual variety
octagonal; very fine
. 433 1866 Half Dollar, g under bust, round; proof
>'t434 1867 Similar; proof
4-<T435 1869 ^ Dollar, Octagonal; very fine
U<‘436 1870 1 Dollar, California Gold, g under bust, round; Bril-
liant proof
j-, 437 1870 Similar: but octagonal; Brilliant proof
S',, 438 1870, Half Dollar, Octagonal, g under bust; Brilliant proof
>t 439 1870 Dollar, Same
5^ 440 1870 Half Dollar. Cal; round, g. and date under bust;
Brilliant proof
^o441 1871 Same octagonal. Same; 2 pieces
":’442 Quarter Dollar. No date, round; very fine
5^443 1852 Half and | Dol. Cal: pierced; good; 2 pees
5'i^444 Garfield on one side, his wife on the other, octagonal, ^ dol-
lar size; very fine
5Tp445 C, Bechtler. 5 Dollars, “ At. Ru there,” Carolina Gold.
134 G. ; fine
S',^»446 A, Bechtler. 5 Dollars. “Rutherford.” Carolina Gold.
134 G. ; very fine
SP447 1849 s. m, v, California Gold, Five Dol. Moffat & Co.
on coronet; good
448 1861 Clark, Gruber & Co., Denver, Five o. Pike’s Peak
on coronet; very good
-'-''449 1850 Five Dollars. G(reat) S(alt) L(ake) C(ity) P(ure)
G(old); Hands clasped: rev., “Holiness to the Lord.”
A large eye beneath peculiar ornaments; fine
toot!450 I860 Lion reclining. “ Holiness to the Lord” in Mormon
characters, discovered and invented by Joseph /Smith, the
Latter-day Saint: rev., beehive on eagle’s breast. Des-
eret Assay Office, Pure Gold 5 d. Better than
usually found; very good
■)i- - 451 1854 Frankfort Bank. Quadruple Thaler, fine head of
Frankfort to right, with the mural crown and necklace of
pearls: rev., “Frankfurter Bank, 11 April, 1854.” Proof
slightly haymarked. This is believed to be the first
offered in this country
5j.i 452 Stuttgart. Baptismal medal: fine view of the city: rev., a
crucifix on baptismal font, a cup receiving a stream of
blood coming from the crucifix. Diamond shape, very
fine; size 16
luoo453 (317 B. C.) Macedon, Stater of Philip Aridaeus: hel-
meted head of Minerva: rev., victory to left holds a
wreath; very good
454 (161 A. D.) Rome, Aureus of Antoninus Pius, fine portrait
to left: rev., the Emperor standing holds a globe, cos.
Tin. Scratch across figure; otherwise fine
>i^co455 (169 A. D.) Rome, Aureus of Lucius Verus, fine laureated
bust to right, in high relief; l, verus. avg, armeniacus:
rev., Verus seated with two attendants on a high plat-
form, crowns a King who stands before him on the
ground ; Rex Armen, dat. : commemorating the
placing of a King over the conquered Parthians: very
fine, sliari:) and perfect coin; desirable for beauty of the
portrait as well as the historical reverse
456 1717 Saalfeld Ducat: full face bust of Luther: rev., mailed
bust of Saxon Duke, struck at the second reformation
jubilee; fine
j^po457 1843 Russia. 3 Rubles in pure Platinum : very fine
(icm>o458 1879 Metric Double Eagle, or $20: profile of Liberty to
left: 30 G(old), 1.5 s(ilver), 3.5 c(opper), 35 grams, in-
scribed between the stars: rev., an eagle; United States
OF America. Twenty Dollars and motto Deo est
GLORIA. The only existing specimens of this, are 3 in
gold and 2 in copper. I am reliably informed that this is
the only piece which is not in possession of the Govern-
ment, and believe it to be the one which was limited in
Mr. Haseltine’s “ Type Table ” Catalogue at $300.
Owing to the now prevailing fashion of limiting rare
coins when offered at auction, this piece is limited at
Nineteen Dollars and Ninety-nine cents.
459 1778 Hay market Theatre: Second GalP.: fine
460 1796 Covent Garden : “Box”; very good
461 1809 New Co vent Garden: First K ® S: rev, K; very good
462 1809 New Covent Garden: First P ® S: rev. P; fine
33 463 1809 New Covent Garden: Box: rev., P; good
'^0 464 Theatre Royal: rev., upper gallery, obv., has head of
Charles II. and is very fair: rev., poor
• 465 Goodman’s Fields New Theatre: rev., “Pit” ; very fair
0 466 1828 Vauxhall: rev.. Lyre, “Parcpie Ai'gentino ” : begin-
ning made to pierce it on obv.; very good
‘Q 467 1833 Liverpool Zoological Gardens: obv., “visitors check”:
Large elephant on it; very fine
468 Apollo Garden. Apollo with lyre and quiver; very good
:p 469 Free Sons of Harmony. Dubois 17; engraved; very good
470 1737. The King’s PriNate Roads: obv., G R under crown:
pierced outside 'of circle; very good
0 471 1688 James II. “Give the King thy judgments O God ” ;
rev., birth of the Prince of Wales: engraved; good for
472 “I was in prison and ye came unto me” : the Roman
Daughter nourishing her father, John Jans engraved in
outer circle of rev, : musical instruments, etc. ; good
473 John Ashby, Stock Broker : human headed bull, looking
up : rev., human headed bear, looking down : inscription;
very good and desirable
474 1800 Monopoly, Man trying to swallow the world : rev.,
“ charitable hand” pouring money into out-stretched hands
and hat. W. M. ; very good
475 John De Laporte, Charing Cross : sells hairs: etc. : pierced
in centre ; good
476 1800 R. W. Enniscorihy, Half-penny, view of castle: rev,,
shield hanging from limb of tree ; very good
47V George, Prince of Wales ; medalets : infantile busts of
George and Frederick on one, G. P. R. and bust; fine;
2 pcs
•S" 478 1799 Half-penny; payable at the Pantheon ; very fine
479 John Wright, Edinburgh : a sheep: rev., inscription:
brass : very fine
480 Col. Noel, M. P, ; inscription : proof
481 Beware of the Grand Junction Canal Co. ; inscription ;
481a St. Paul. Covent Garden. London ;' view of building:
obv., bust of Geo. III. “Long live the King”; notin
Conder; uncir.
US’ 482 Good Tidings. Two-pence: dove with olive branch ; f.:
rev., inscription : desirable, very fair ; good for piece
.r 483 1729 James Maculla | penny, Dublin ; fine
C|5’'484 1797 Dudley Castle penny; rev., P. Skidmore, medal
maker; not in Conder ; uncirculated
485 1797 “ Midlesex” (s^c) penny: obv., view of the House of
Commons ; not in Conder ; uncirculated
f ) 486 1797. Norwich Royal Military Association : penny ; soldier
standing, buildings and camp in background: rev., arms;
not in Conder ; fine
487 1798 Jacob. Birmingham. Auctioneer and Ironmonger ;
penny : auctioneer’s hand below ; obv., Jacob in his hard-
ware store ; not in Conder ; proof
1 1(^0 488 1787 Birmingham: Half-penny: obv., female seated with
cornucopia of coins ; rev., monogram : raised rim, not in
Conder ; proof
- 489 1801 Stafford penny. View of castle: rev., monogram;
490 1811 Norwich Castle penny, view of castle: rev., sheep ;
8c 491 Cornish penny, Dolcoath mine : rev., English arms ; un-
^^0 492 Cornish Mount penny; view of castle on Mount; uncirculated
U 493 Royal Colosseum penny, view of building ; uncirculated
. 494 1842 Grendon Half-penny, shield of arms : obv., head of
Sir George Chetwynd ; bronze proof ; desirable
All very fine unless otherwise stated.
495 1648 Louis XIV. of France: infantile bust to right: rev.,
France receiving Peace; the peace of Westphalia, very-
good; 26
> » 496 1648 Louis XIV. of France: young bust to right: rev.,
Victory blowing trumpet and holding crown; Capture of
Mortara; 26
497 1713 Louis XIV. of France: fine bust to right: rev.. Peace
seated on a cloud holding a balance and a cornucopia: the
peace of Utrecht; 26
498 1747 Louis XV. of France: fine bust to right: rev.. Victory
with javelin and crown trampling on arms; the battle of
Laffeldt; 26
499 1754 Louis XV. of France: bust to right; rev., inscription
in 10 lines; 26
■ ' 500 1724 Louis XV. of France: youthful bust to right: rev.,
France on globe: peace between Russia and Turkey; 26
501 1746 Louis XV. of France: bust to right: rev.. Victory
crowning a trophy: battle of Ragusa; 26
?'■] 502 1726 Louis XV. of France; youthful bust to right: rev.,
Louis presenting a globe to Minerva, fame above; 26
503 1721 Louis XV. of France; youthful bust to right: rev., two
females clasping hands, spot on rev.; 26
^S^504 1789 Louis XVI. of France; fine bust to left: rev., inscrip-
tion convention of noble Parisians, etc. : slight spot on
obv. ; 26
Lo 505 1800 Bonaparte as First Consul; fine bust to right: rev.,
the Peace of Luneville; 26
0 506 1808 Napoleo Imp. Gall, etc., fine bust to right: rev., fine
bust of Frederick Augustus of Saxony to left; 26
3-’ 507 1806 Napoleon: laureated bust to right: rev., the Confeder.
ation of the Rhine; 25
A 508 1806 Napoleon ; laureated bust to right : rev., Victory
crowning a human headed bull : conquest of Naples ; 25
fp509 1 795 Fine head of Napoleon to right : rev., Napoleon seated
on a cube studying Greek manuscript ; large palm in
field ; 25
^ 510 1796 Ai-my of Italy Victorious : wreath and thunderbolt :
obv.j.Mars receiving the keys of the City of Mantua :
desirable ; 27
joo511 1810 Masonic: Beehive and five bees. “Chambre Des
Entrepreneurs De Maconnerie : rev., wreath and date,
octagonal; 21
512 Richard I. of England ; helmeted bust to right : rev.. Fame
over tomb ; 26
?o 513 Henry IV. of England ; crowned and draped bust to left :
rev., his tomb ; 26
I to 514 1704 Anna of England; bust in high relief to left : rev..
Queen seated on her throne receiving ecclesiastic com-
mittee ; 28
515 James II. of England: bust to right : rev., Britannia seated,
trans ; “No deity is wanting ”: good; 18
516 1761 George III. of England; young bust to left: rev.,
bust of Charlotte ; 26
'1^° 1759 George II. of England; bust to left: rev., “ Perfidia
Eversa ”; names of battles. Generals, etc.; good; 27
518 James I. of England: Cast imitation of the coronation
medal; 18
I Pi 519 1867 Piux IX. busts jugata of St. Peter and Paul to right :
rev., inscription; 31
520 1647 Innocent X. bust to right: rev., the fountain of the
Virgins in the Vatican ; very good; 25
loo 521 1571 Pius V. bust in vestment to right: rev., the Almighty
directing the Papal ships in a fight with the Turks ; the
Romans using fire-arms; 26
|: 522 Valadislaus, Duke of Lithuania; bust with shield to right:
rev., blank; 28
^0 523 1870 Franco-Prussian War: medals commemorating vic-
tories of the Germans: 4 white metal, 1 iron; 5 pcs; 25
r.,024 1793 Chain, America. Dot after date and liberty, olive:
good ^ ’
525 1704 Dark; good
^^^526 1795 Thin pianchet. The obv. of this cent has a very good
portrait of Washington stamped on it, same bust &s on
the funeral medal; good
‘" 527 1797 Dark; fine
S^528 1/98 Cracked die, olive; very fine
529 1801 over 000. Dark; very good
Vro^530 1804 Cracked die. Slight nick on edge; very jrood
531 1809 Fine impression
ic 532 1812 Small date. Has been cleaned, slight traces of where
it has been corroded; barely if any circulation
3.0 533 1814 Plain 4. A ver^ Jine and handsome cent, of dark
olive color
»K 534 1817 15 stars, fronting face, stars are somewhat flat; an
even bronze color; very fine and desirable
^ 535
if 536
3^ 537
^9^ 541
\Sf 543
181/ Uncirculated bright; some small spots
1820 Cracked die, uncirculated; changing to olive
1820 over 19. Very good
1822 Stars not sharp: very fine. The best cent of this date
that I have seen in a long time
1823 Perfect date. Has slight nick on edge of obv. ; fine
for date
1831 Light olive, stars not all sharp; uncirculated
1832 Fine olive, stars not all sharp; truly a very fine and
desirable cent
1833 Reddish; very fine cent
1834 Large date, cracked die, some of the original color-
uncirculated ’
<?'. 544 1835 Small date, stars not sharp, considerable red color-
uncirculated ’
CS'545 1837 Plain hair strings. Stars not sharp; bright and un-
1^546 1837 Beaded hair strings, cracked die; very fine
>3o 547 1838 Uncirculated
■)r548 1839 over 36. Good for variety
549 1839 Head of 38. Dark ; fine
3,^0 550 1839 Head of 1840. Bright uncirculated; splendid impres-
l3o 551 1839 Booby head ; bronze color, trifling spot. Uncirculated
»fo 552 1840 Lai-ge date. Reddish; nearly uncirculated — perhaps
553 1843 Date under point of bust ; barely if any circulated
fov 554 1845 Changing to steel color; partially bright; Brilliant
\ctj555 1846 Dutch 6. Bright, uncirculated
Ip 556 1846 Same; fine
Go 557 1847 Bright, uncirculated
(S’ 558 1848 Dark olive; very fine
(jp 559 1849 Bright, uncirculated
zo 560 1849 Uncirculated, changing to olive
13 561 1850 Bright, uncirculated
13 562 1851 Same
563 1852 Same
lx 564 1853 Same
3 565 1853 Coal Black ; uncir.
1 5" 566 1854 Rev., bright; obv., bronzed ; uncir.
567 1855 Slanting 5. Trifling nick on bust and in the field ;
Brilliant proof
5o 568 1857 Small date; bright, uncir.
io. 569 1857 Large date ; dark ; fine
13,570 1857 Nickel. Looks as if Jumbo had stepped on it, and
extended its diameter. I am sorry to say, that this cent
was once catalogued by a ‘‘'•frantically jealous’’’’ firm in
Philadelphia, as a pattern; good
ly 572 1862 Nickel : Brilliant proofs. 2 pieces
3 573 1857 to 1883. Uncirculated and bright lot of cents. 28
lo 574 1793, 4, 5, 7, 1800, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31
altered, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37. Half-cent pure copper, 49,
50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57. Half-cents ; poor to very fine,
32 pees
575 Various Half-cents. 2 pierced ; poor to fine ; 66 pees
0 5 7 6
^0 679
7- 580
5o 581
\ov 582
.^5 586
-3o 587
1.^5• 588
5^^ 589
3ir 590
ve.., „«,e
dates and numerals
plain, very much circulated and clipped; 2 pieces
1694 Carolina Half-penny. God n.
the Loed’s Peoceietors - Hi , Carolina and
circulated, but still for the piece'ittan b7
1721 Louisiana Sous; good; 2 pcs
1767 Same, stamped R. F.; very good- 2 nos
’ !ml Congress - ■
i7rN:7 . ’
a7777erty p7e\r;,’gtf"N
^ -rrrut:!
1787 New York Excelsior q^. *
Justice and Liberty and surmou:: ^ T;!’ 7^
riff/it: rev., U. S. eagle disulaved / eagle facing
Very slightly circulated and the «„e,t 7™“"* T"‘'
desirable coin offered for years ' P®°‘“en of this
‘'fect?te“fi„7“‘' -3“‘e per-
1788 Mlmci7s7\7cmT nXl'e'"'’®"' ““"'“"'“'“d
1788 Massachusetts Half-cent; fine
w ^ token: perfect die; very fine
1/91 Washington Cent: small eaa-le • fi„e
1796 Castorland Half Dnlio ^ !""®
scratched and worn; good ’ ^''Se,
Washington, Success to the United Sinroo j
^second inauguration; small size; brass ’
1/81 etc., Nova Constellatio (2) North AmPi-;
ifo 594 St. Patrick Farthing, “ Quiescat Plebes”; very fair
595 Various Colonials; 1 pierced; poor to good; 21 pees
3,,^ 596 1554 Hungary: Crown of Ferdinand I.: half-length bust
in armor to right: rev., the Virgin above shield of arms;
597 1574 Hungary: Crown of Maxamilian II.: bust to right
with sceptre : rev., arms on Imperial eagle ; Virgin on
crescent above; fine
tfCo598 1614 Teutonic Order: Double Crown of Grand Master
Maxamilian : his full-length figure in suit of mail : rev.,
equestrian figure to right in full armor: shields surround-
ing; fine
Zoo599 1603 Teutonic Order: Crown of same type as preceding ;
shields arranged differently; fine
IS" 600 Teutonic Order: Quarter Crown of same type ; loop re-
moved; fine
1 11- 601 1618 Teutonic Order: Crown of Maximilian: bust decorated
with cross of the Order: rev., arms crowned; fine
IIS' 602 1632 Austria: Crown of Archduke Leopold: half-length
crowned figure with sceptre: rev., arms decorated with
the “Golden Fleece ”: fine
Bo 603 1651 Germany: Crown of Ferdinand III.: laureated and
draped bust: rev., arms, etc.; fine
(1690) Tyrol: Double Crown of Leopold L: fine large bust,
with wig and chaplet of oak leaves : rev., the Tyrolese
eagle; fine and sharp
605 1603 Bohemia: Crown of Rudolph II.: bust with triple
sceptre, and plain armor : rev., double eagle; blundered
legend “arhidux”; fine
3v^’606 1604 Germany: Double Crown of Rudolph II. : large bust,
laureated and decorated with the “ Fleece”: rev., arras on
oval shield: pin-marks in field, otherwise fine
' “ 607 1607 Crown of Rudolph H.: similar type to preceding; date
in field behind neck: fine
^ 0 608
'f 0 o 609
lf-2^ 310
1.7^^ 314
I U 615
^0 616
55d 617
1 620
'i / 621
1765 Nuremberg: Crown of Joseph II. : draped bust: rev., .
city arms; good
(1516) Bohemia: Crown of Louis I.: lion rampant: rev.,
Saint standing behind shield of arms; loop removed;
1547 Bavaria: Crown of Count Frederick: f faced bust in
robes, with orb and sword: rev., a three-cent lion over a
helmet, shields below: counterstamped, fine
1567 Bavaria: Crown of Frederick : full-faced bust, in
decorated armor: rev., arms; “Hen- nach deine M.
Willen”; fine
1621 Bavaria: Crown of Wolfgang William: bust to right
in armor and an immense ruffed collar; “In Des Mea
Consolatio”: rev., crowned arms within collar of the
“Fleece”; fine
1611 Transylvania: Crown of Gabriel I. (Bathori) struck
for Hermanstadt : Arms encircled by a dragon : rev.,
blank — Crowns with blank reverses were seldom coined
except during a siege; fine
1622 Transylvania: Crown of Gabriel II. (Bethlem Gabor):
bust in elaborate suite of mail: rev., his arms, transfixed
swans, in centre; very fine
1660 Translyvania: Crown of George II. (Rakotski): mailed
bust with high fur hat: rev,, arms, eagle on broken wheel,
in centre: very fine
1861 Prussia: Coronation Thaler of Wm. and Augusta;
very fine
1798 Wurtemberg: Crown of Frederick II.; beautiful bust
to left: rev., small shield of arms crowned “ Cum Deo Et
Jure”; Uneproq/'
1555 Daventer, Zwolle and Campen : Crown of Charles V.:
bust to right: rev.. Arms of three cities; very good
1538 Brandenburg: Crown of George and Albert: mailed
busts vis-a-vis: rev., floreated cross; very good
1693 Mecklenburg: Crown of John Godfrey: finely deco-
rated shield: rev., St. Kilian in full dress; fine
(1780) Mecklenburg: Crown of John Philip: bust to right:
rev., statues of three saints: burnished, good
V4o G22
US' 623
XT-i 625
tfzo 627
Zo 0 628
loo 629
^00 630
W-O 631
\\v 632
Id- 633
1705 Olmutz: Broad Crown of Bishop Charles (who was
also Duke of Lorraine and Bar): fine bust to right: rev.,
two eagles support an oval shield on a cross; fine
1540 Halberstadt: Crown of Cardinal Albert: St. Stephen
with halo and palm to left: rev., arms; very good
1597 Halberstadt: “Truth” Crown of Henry Julius: figure
of Christ in circle “ Veritas Yincit Omnia,” 12 shields sur-
rounding: rev., inscription in circle; very good
1568 Lubeck: Crown of Maximilian II.: half-length figure
of Saint holding the Agnus Dei; fine
1694 Hamburg: Crown of Leopold I.: city arms on gar-
nished shield: rev., Imperial eagle; fine
1774 Anhalt-Schaumburg : Crown of Charles Louis: sun
shining upon the silver mines, refining mills in foreground;
rev., “ Got segne ferner das Holzappeler bergwerck ”: very
1778 Hesse : Thaler of Frederick II., head to right : rev.,
arms on an eight-pointed star: this type is usually known
as the “ Blood-money Thaler ’’ as it was coined from the
silver paid by England for the Hessian troops used in the
Revolutionary War; fine
1550 Salzburg: Crown of Archbishop Ernest ; St. Rupert
seated: rev., Arms of Bavaria ; very good
1578 Salzburg: Crown of Archbishop John James: arms
before St. Rupert: rev.. Imperial Eagle of Rudolph II. ;
very good
1624 Salzburg: Crown of Archbishop Paris: Patron Saint in
ornamented oval : rev., the Virgin and Child: very good
1625 Augsburg: Crown of Ferdinand II.; Imperial eagle :
rev., St. Udalricus standing holds a bible on which is a
fish ; before him, the city arms: slight scratches; fine
1626 Augsburg : Crown of Ferdinand II.; Royal eagle:
rev., two cupids supporting a fir cone above the city:
initials and a date engraved in field, used as a marriage
medal ; very good
if-i^634 1(542 Augsburg: Box Crown of Ferdinand III.; fine bust:
rev., view of the city, defences and river; a fir cone on
pedestal. A very fine specimen of the ingeniously con-
trived boxes, which spies often used for conveying plans
and despatches
(o« 635 1'765 Augsburg: Crown of Francis I. ; bust to right: rev.,
city arms beneath a mural crown ; fine
\4 636 (1500) Saxony: Crown of Frederick III., George and John;
bust of Fred.: rev., busts of the young brothers, with
caps; very good
637 1582 Saxony: Crown of Fred., Wm. and John; half-length
figures of each, with fur cloaks over their armor; very
(tS^638 1607 Saxony: Crown of Christian II., John George and
Augustus: mailed busts of each; very good
639 1611 Saxony: Crown of John Casimir and John Ernest;
half-length bust with clasped hands: rev., circle of shields
around a central shield; fine
|>:T640 1623 Saxony: Crown of John Philip, Frederick, John Wm.
and Fred. Wm.; their busts all face to right; fine
641 1694 Saxony: Mortuary Crown of John George IV.: a
pyramid beneath the sun. Sola gloriosa quae justa: rev.,
inscription of eight lines; very fine
642 1798 Canton Bern: Crown: bear on a shield: rev., man
with heavy sword; fine
643 1608 Brunswick and Luneburg; Crown of Henry Julius:
St. Andrew with his cross, “ Honestum Pro Patria”: rev.,
arms on decorated shield; fine
l^-t> 644 1638 Brunswick and Luneburg: Crown of Frederick: bust
in floreated circle; legends in German type: rev., deco-
rated helmets over shield of arms: Hamburg mint;
645 1662 Brunswick; Crown of Christian Louis: a horse within
laurel wreath: rev., five helmets over arms; Hamburg
mint; fine
1/ 646 1668 Brunswick: Crown of John Frederick: horse to left
on a plain field, “ Ex duris gloria” : rev., similar to pre-
ceding; Hamburg mint; fine
4 .647 1689 Brunswick and Luneburg: Crown of Rudolph and
Anthon Ulric: jugated busts to right: rev., Ducal crown
above a double trophy, “ Duobus fulcris Decurius; fine
and broad
l^c? 648 1749 Hanover: Crown of George II. (of England): ahorse
running to left, “Nec aspera terrent ”: rev., British arms;
very fine
649 1659 Campen : Crown: Warrior in full armor, small shield
with city arms, before him: rev., lion rampant on shield
beneath a crown; fine
tjo 650 1659 Denmark: Crown of Frederick III.: crowned mono-
gram: rev., arms; very good
^51 1642 Sweden: Crown of Christina: bust to left: rev., Christ
holding an orb; the nail holes on hands and foot are
remarkably large, and the spear thrust appears on His
riffht side; very good
Ho 652 1723 Russia: Ruble of Peter the Great; mailed bust to
right: rev., small Imperial eagle: Moscow mint; very
Ho 653 1732 Russia: Ruble of Anna : large bust to right: rev.,
arms ; fine
654 1743 Russia : Medallic Ruble of Elizabeth : fine bust : rev.,
a bridge over the Kemi ; the Reka on left ; above within
a wreath held by hands from the clouds, are the arms of
Russia and Livonia ; fine
655 1747 Russia: Ruble of Elizabeth; bust to right: rev., arms;
very good
(.$0 656 1771 Russia: Ruble of Katherine II.: draped bust: rev.,
arms: St. Petersburg mint; fine
So 657 1832 Georgia in Asia: Kran; mural crown and crossed
branches; native inscriptions; good
Azo658 Madras: Double Rupee of Hindostanee characters on both
sides; uncirculated
3-'^659 Peking: Dime size token: Chinaman holding hoops: rev.,
pagodas, “ Peking ” in ex. ; good
660 1831 Anam: Quan or Tical of Ming-Ming: inscriptions
around a square hole: silver, uncirculated; size 20
0 661 Japan: One Yen; a dragon grasping a ball: rev., value in
wreath, sunflower above; uncirculated; nearly proof
l^t»662 1551 England: Crown of Edward VI. ; King on horseback
to right, date below: rev., arms; M. M, “ Y.”: weak and
worn in centre; otherwise good
(1555) Naples: Crown of Philip (husband of Mary I.):
large bust in circle philip e. ang. prax. neap. hisp. : rev.,
within olive wreath hilaraitas universa; fine and desir-
11.V664 1631 Parma: Crown of Edward Farnese: bust in armor:
rev., St. Antoninus standing holds a banner; very good
J^c 665 1678 Florence, Crown of Cosmo III.: bust to right; rev.,
John baptising Christ in the Jordan; “Filius Mens Dilec-
tus ”; fine
(>^666 1683 Leghorn: Half Crown of Cosmo III. : large bust in
radiated crown: rev., a galley sailing to right: very good
St? 667 1796 Sicily: Crown of Ferdinand lY.; very good
668 1807 Tuscany: Crown of Chas. Louis and M. Louisa, his
mother; their busts vis-a-vis; rev., crowned arms; very
<^^669 1812 Italy: Five Lire of Napoleon I.; very good; nearly
• '^0 670 1832 Parma: Five Lire of M. Louisa (wife of Nap,):
profile to left: rev., a fine shield of arms; fine
loo 671 1848 Venice: Five Lire of the Republic, “March 22”; very
672 1848 Venice: Five Lire of the Republic, “August 11”:
lion on a pedestal: the last issue: nearly proof, very fine
100 673 1823 Rome: Crown of the Vacant See: Cardinal Pacca’s
arms: rev.. Religion seated on clouds holds the Church
and keys; fine
2-0 674 1841 Rome: Crown of Gregory XVI.: fine bust to left: rev.,
value in olive wreath: slight nicks, nearly proof
• '> 0 675 1822 Mexico: Dollar of Iturbide: small bust and eagle; fine
<+-jo 676 1789 Cumana, Venezuela: Proclamation Quarter Dollar of
Charles “4”: bust to right: rev., vote in monogram; d.
ANDYES ERS. POR. cvMANA. 1789 rude, cast, fine
• “i 677 1871 Honduras: Fifty Centavos: arms on flags: rev., tree,
stars and branches in circle; uncirculated
678 1881 Haiti, and 1 Dollar: fine draped female head:
rev., National arms; uncirculated: their first large coins of
fine silver; 3 pees
(i 679 1825-’30 Haiti: 25, 50 and 100 Centimes of Boyer; 3 coun-
terfeit: fine; 6 pees
^0 680 1882 Mexico: 1,2 and 5 Centavos of the new nickel coin-
age: bow, quiver and mace, bound together with ribbon:
revs., I., II. and V., in oak and olive wreaths: uncirculated;
fii’st offered for sale; 3 pees
681 Foreign silver, about Dol. size: 1668 to 1873; some base:
a very good lot weighing about $3; 20 pees
682 Foreign silver, 3c. to 10c. sizes: poor to fine: weighs about
$5; 107 pees
7-<)i 683 1794 Siege of Maestricht: Crown or 100 Stivers: star
between date and value; rev., blank: fine
1^0 684 1808 Siege of Saragossa: Crown or 30 Sous: Ferdinand
VII.; rev., crowned arms: all encused: fine
boo 685 1578 Siege of Campen: Square Crown or 42 Stivers: “Ex-
tremum Subsidium’’ arms in centre: all incused; fine and
desirable; size 27x28
l:]^686 1660 Siege of Munster: Square Half-Crown: Arms in
circle: very fine; 20
15^687 (1709) Siege of Tournay: Square Twenty Sous: bust of
De Surville: fine; 14
<|v688 1693 Saxony: Square Crown of John George lY.; mono-
gram within Order of the Garter: rev., crossed swords in
wreath: loop removed, fine; 25
^0 689 1609 Regensburg: Square J Crown: Angel holding shields:
rev., “Jahr auf dem Reichstag zu Regensburg ich
gesclagen war”: fine; 21
fv 690 1609 Regensburg: Square ^ Crown: obv., similar to pre-
ceding: rev., in wreath, “Zum guten newen iar”: loop
removed: fine; 21
All fine except when otherwise stated.
X 691 1672 Siege of Groningen: View of the shelling of the
city; dead men outside the trenches; platoons of soldiers
marching: rev., “ Groninga ab Episc. Colon, et Monast.
IX. Jul. fortiter obsessa duritur oppugnata XVII. Aug.
turpiter deserta”; size 36
692 1672 Siege of Grrningen: smaller view of city; the besieg-
ers only 12 men and 9 officers, artillery continuing busi-
ness unassisted: rev., a fortification surrounded by
soldiers; “Coverden. met. stormer: handt. ingenio: den.
20. Dec.”; 35
693 1672 Siege of Groningen: different view of city; 15 soldiers
and 4 officers as besiegers: rev., “Groningen belegert.
deo. de. Biscop. Veceulen. en de van. Munster den. 9 Juli:
verlaten. den 17 Angus;” 27
lt>t) 694 1683 Leopold I., delivery of Vienna from the Turks: Impe-
rial eagle on a sphere before the eye of the Trinity;
inverted crescent below: rev., inscription of 23 lines; 28
695 1664 Victory at St. Gothard over Turks, crowned eagle on
sphere holds a bunch of arrows: rev., blazing sun above
inverted crescent; “ Quo Superiore potentior; 26
io 696 1664 Victory at St. Gothard: same type as preceding but
smaller; 21
^ - 697 1620 Venice and Holland Confederation Medal: large bust
of the lion of St. Mark, on the sea, rests a shield on shore:
rev., Dutch lion rampant holding sword and arrows:
Foedus Initum*A°*cio*io*cxx*: very desirable; 31
r. 2 b 698 1686 Recapture of Buda-Pesth from the Turks; a gigantic
figure of Leopold L, in Quadriga drawn by ponies; cap-
tive Turks on left: rev., view of the storming of the
City; dates in chronograms on each side; 33
If ' 699 1686 .Storming of Buda-Pesth ; the city burning : rev.,
history of its many captures and re-captures ; 25
V:' 701
33? 702
Uo 707
</ 708
?o 711
38o 712
1695 Casale: three cupids display plan of the fortifications;
a man with head of an ox, reclines in foreground ; city
personified resting with Peace ; “ Security restored to
Italy”; 28
1777 Embden in West Friesland; fine view of City and
harbor ; Prussian eagle above : rev., clasped hands hold
a sceptre beneath a coronet ; 33
1753 Utrecht ; an peacock with a glory about his head,
stands on a hemisphere between cornucopias ; “ Instaur-
atio Saeculi Felicis”: rev., inscription of 8 lines; a hand-
some piece ; 27
1648 Peace of Westphalia ; palm and olive branches held
over the city of Munster : rev., clasped hands, inscrip-
tion, etc. ; 26
1774 Russia : Treaty of Kutschouc Kainardji : Peace
seated ; rev., emblems of peace ; good ; 14
1709 Tournay: view of the siege by Duke of Marlborough:
rev., French frigate foundering with flags flying ; 28
1746 England ; fine bust of Geo. II. ; rev.. Victory on a
pedestal, trophies of war on each side : relates to the
subjugation of the Scotch rebels ; 28
1805 England : very beautiful nude bust of Lord Nelson,
to left in high relief: rev.. Victory casting shafts at
fighting war galleys: Ipse Belli Fulmen”: referring to
Trafalgar: light scratches; 34
1854 Frankfort Bank: female seated beside the bank-
vaults; youths representing Mercury and Abundance:
rev., inscription in oak wreath: octagonal; 22
1842 Hamburg: a phoenix rising from a fire: rev., map of
the city showing the burned district: 28
1843 Plamburg: Masonic Centennial of St. George Lodge:
monogram on a blazing sun: rev., a fir tree; 23
1837 Hamburg: Masonic Centennial of the first Temple in
Germany: interior view: rev., a large decoration; 27
1826 Hamburg: view of the Hamburg Bank: rev.. Security
standing; silver bars, etc., at her feet: proof; 27
'J'13 1803 Hamburg: Thousandth anniversary of the city: angel
on clouds above a view of city: rev., female seated
beneath oak tree: a fine medal by Loos^ proof; 25
714 1750 Hamburg: view of the burning of St. Michael’s Church:
rev.: nude boy grafting a tree; 24
1^0 715 1749 Breslau: view of the Powder Magazine with liffhtnins:
striking it during a storm: rev., view of the locality a few
minutes later; 20
5,7^716 1673 Nuremberg: Workhouse medal; four views of the
employment of the inmates: rev., inscription of eight
lines; 28
717 1840 Prussia: fine profile of Fred. Wm. IV.: rev., arms in
a hollow, surrounded by eight shields: finely executed; 19
718 1824 Augsburg: portrait of Maximilian Joseph of Bavaria:
rev., the city personified, before an altar, celebrates the
25th year of his reign; proof; 26
bt- 719 Augsburg: illustration of the judgment of Solomon, soldier
about to cut a child in two: rev.. Justice above inscribed
shield; 28
720 1641 Regensburg: bust of Ferdinand HI. between cornu-
copias, etc.: rev., “ Reichstag zu Regenspurg ” in wreath;
seven shields surrounding: very odd; 28
‘■io 721 1627 Regensburg: foundation of the Church of the Holy
Trinity: rev., 17 shields around inscription; 21
^>■^ 722 1772 Worms: Poor-house medal; view of the structure:
rev., view of the city; 28
7'^* 723 1742 Augsburg: Chas. Albert and Chas. Philip; their pro-
files on a bust of Janus: double eagle and crowned mono-
grams in field: rev.. Justice and Concord embracing; 9
shields connected; 34
3 724 1748 Stuttgart: a fine illustration of the Rhinoceros on his
native heath: rev., inscription of 15 lines, giving his size,
internal capacity, etc., etc.; 24
r 725 1700 Germany: three clasped hands; serpents below: rev.,
three crowns: long inscription; 31
* 726 1740 Prussia: head of Frederick II., rev.. Felicity standing
— Also a medal, obv. large crown on three pedestals; 15
and 18; 2 pcs
^ 727 (1800) Russia: Paul I., bust to right: rev., across: very
good; 24
728 266 A. R. — Coriolanus: | faced bust : rev., females kneel
before him in camp: good; 20
I 729 1864 South American Congress of Lima: Indian amid em-
blems of civilization : rev., names of Presidents of Seven
Republics; 22
730 1869 Peru: Railroad from Pisco to Yea: freight train at
wharf; 23
731 1876 Centennial Commission Medal: female beneath stars:
proof; 24
$5, 732 1876 Nevada Ore Centennial Medal: soldiers and bell: rev.,
Nevada Mines: proof; 24
733 1876 Copy of Continental Currency Dollar: rev., names of
States on rings: proof; 24
Mki 734 (1818) J. G. Gahn, the Swedish Assayer : bust to right:
rev., table with chemical instruments; 20
iT-'j 735 1872 Assay Medal of U. S. Mint: female standing with bal-
ance before a retort ; various emblems ; “ J. Pollock,
Director”; 21
?.tr736 1869 U. S. x\ssay : beautiful figure of Liberty seated on
shield to left: rev., “Let us have peace” on wreath; 21
iSo 737 1868 U. S. Assay: Peace applying torch to war trophies;
“ Mint of the United States, Philad.”: struck in aluminum;
738 1861 U. S. Assay: bust of Liberty to right with oak wreath;
“Mint of the United States, Philadelphia”: bronze; 21
'1 7* 739 1859 Prussia: MedalUc box: bust of Frederick the Great:
rev., Truth writing in a book which rests on the shoulder
of Time; “ Yeritatis Paradoxa”: inch thick; size 31
*j 740 Heavy Silver Snuff-box ; elegantly chased and ornamented :
inscribed inside “From the Electors of the 16th Ward, to
Mr. John Henderson, expressive of the value of his service
as Commissioner of Police for 21 years : December 1850 ”
— very fine condition : 3| in. long; 2 in. wide; in, deep;
weighs over 6 oz.
\ M-o o 745
7dd 746
I oc 749
M-oc 750
'!n r 751
Angina, Attica Didrachm sea tortoise with single row of
pellets on back: rev., punchmark in five sections: very
good; thick early type of seventh century B. C.; size 12
^gina; Didrachm; land tortoise in high relief: rev., in-
cusum with five compartments: fine; size 13
Athens, Attica: Tetradrachm: small head of Minerva with
pearls on pendants or “ bangs,” and ten pellets on helmet:
rev., short, fat, large-headed owl ; very small olive
branch, A&E; the face not entirely on the planchet:
very thick, archaic type, struck about 600 B. C., when
Athens was the only State using obv. and rev. dies: very
fine, and I believe the only specimen ever offered in this
country ; size 14
Athens: Tetradrachm: larger type; the owl of ruder execu-
tion; fine; thick; 13
Athens: Tetradrachm: still larger type: very fine head of
Minerva: rev., a small finely executed owl AQE very
jine^ sharp and well struck specimen; 1 6
Athens: Drachm of similar type: very good; 9
Athens: Tetradrachm: later broad type: a griffon on helmet
of Minerva: rev., owl standing on a diota. Pegasus on
right: AQE API^TIflN MAElN APOMO (Aristion
was Archon in 421 B. C.); fine; 19
Cai’thage, Africa: Tetradrachm: head of Hercules in lion-
skin head-dress similar to that on coinage of Alexander
Magnus: rev., a fine bust of a very spirited horse. Punic
inscription below. Am Machanat (People of the camp) ;
very fine and sharp; 16
Caulonia, Bruttium: Didrachm: man standing with upraised
arm, dog before him; rev., a deer standing; good; 13
Elis, Peloponnesus: Drachm: fine head to right with coronet,
FA: rev., an eagle standing beneath a grape branch, FA:
double profile; fine and desirable; 10
Gelas, Sicily: Tetradrachm: forepart of the Minotaur: rev.,
man in a biga, before a column; fine and broad; 19
; Y52 Gelas: Didrachm: same type, CE AA2 helow: rev. ^ cavalier
with lance riding to right; fine; 12
V53 Leontini, Sicily: Tetradrachm: large head of a lion between
four barley-corns; OiVTZiVOiV in archaic letters: obv.,
fine head of Apollo to right: struck 4th Century Jb C. ;
fine; 16
754 Leontini : Tetradrachm : smaller lion’s head than on pre-
ceding; AEONTINON: rev., a biga to right. Victory
crowning the horses ; fine and thick , 15
5'So 755 Lete, Macedonia: Di drachm : a fawn holding a female in
bis arms ; the usual indecent type: rev., punch mark of
four sections ; very good ; 14
a^o756 Lete: Didrachm: same type as preceding; good ; 13
ifoo757 Lete: Drachm: same type, but female has short' hair: fine:
758 Macedonia, first province: Tetradrachm ; head of Artemis
on a Macedonian shield: rev., a budding club in wreath
MAKE AO NflN EPnTH2: two nicks, very good ; 20
4-<jt)759 Metapontum, First Period: Didrachm: an ear of wheat in
very high relief, MET: rev , the same incused: very fine;
iSo 760 Metapontum, Second Period (315 B. C.): Didrachm: head
of Persephone to left: rev., an ear of wheat; very good ;
^7^161 Mytilene, Lesbos: Didrachm : two calves heads vis-a-vis^ a
tree between them : rev., square punchmark ; fine ; 13
^;^ 762 Panormus, Sicily: Tetradrachm: diademed head to left:
rev., a horse to left: a fine specimen of the rude type in
imitation of the Tetradrachm of Philip of Macedon ; 15
/■2-b" 763 Phocis, Graeca: Hemidrachm: bull’s head front face: rev.,
laureated head of Apollo ; good ; 8
^7^64 Side, Pamphylia: Tetradrachm: helmeted head of Pallas:
rev.. Victory to left holds a crown, a pomegranate in
field, KAETX’, fine; 18
765 Sybaris, Lucania: broad Didrachm; a bull to left, lookin
back, TM in ex.: rev., similar design incused: fine speci-
men of the early type (5th Century B. C.); illustrated in
Humphrey^ p. 32: size 18
tf .
> lio 766 Tarentum: Calabria: Didrachm: Cavalier with large shield
to left: rev., Taras on a dolphin, holds a bunch of grapes
and quenouille, TAPIAS ANO; fine; 14
767 Tarentum: Didrachm: naked cavalier to right: rev,, Taras
with a trident and cantharus, riding a dolphin, a head in
field; fine; 13
l6o 768 Tarentum: Didrachm: naked cavelier to right, API below:
rev,, Taras with cantharus and spear of wheat rides a
dolphin, EPA: very good; 13
S'zi' 769 Syracuse, Sicily: Tetradrachm: small head of Proserpine to
right with combed hair and diadem of pearls, dolphins
surrounding ; 2TPAK02I0N: rev.. Victory above a
biga: struck time of Gelon, 478 B. C, ; fine; 15
770 Syracuse: Tetradrachm of Agathocles, 306 B. C. : head of
Ceres to right; KOPA2: rev.. Victory erecting a trophy,
a triquetra in field, AEAQOKAEO^; very good; 16
q-oo 771 Syracuse: Tetradrachm of Philistis, wife of Hiero II., 216
B. C. : her veiled head to left: rev.. Victory in a quadriga
to right : BA2IAI2^A:E ^IAi:^riA02-, very good; 18
772 Bactria: Drachm of Menander 140 B. C. : very fine bust to
left, with upraised javelin, BA2IAE0.2 2HTHP02
MENANAPOT: rev., Minerva with aegis and thunder-
bolt, monogram at left; Bactrian inscription; fine sharp
and perfectly struck; 12
'JoO 773 Macedonia: Tetradrachm of Alexander the Great, 336 B. C.:
fine head in high relief: rev., Jupiter seated holds an eagle,
monogram under chair: fine; 17
774 Paeonia: Tetradrachm of Patraus 330 B. C. : profile to right:
rev., a cavelier riding down a warrior; EATPAOT ; fine
and I believe the only one every offered at auction in this
country; 16
C%% 775 Syria: Tetradrachm of Demetrius I., 162 B. C.: diademed
profile in wreath: rev.. Fortune seated with cornucopia
and wand; BA^TAED,^ AHMHTPIOT-, i\ne; 10
776 (54 A. D.) Didrachm of Claudius and Nero: their heads on
opposite sides; fine, thick; 14
I I 777 (70 A. D.) Tetradrachm of Vespasian: laureated head to
right: rev., standing eagle, palm to left; very good; 15
) . 778 (222 A. D.) Tetradrachm of Elagabalus: bead to right; rev,,
spread eagle holds a wreath ; good; 15
\..S 779 Electrotype of Decadrachm of Syracuse from a very fine
specimen: well made: size 22
^0 780 Electrotype of Octadrachm of Bisaltas : man standing
beside horse: well made; 20
5^ 781 Electrotype of Tetradrachm of Cnossus: head of Hera with
bridal crown: rev., Cretan labyrinth: well made; 14
782 Electrotype of Tetradrachm of Tarsus: Bacchus seated with
grape cluster, etc., in lotus wreath: rev., an archer seated;
well made; 14
783 Electrotype of Tetradrachm of Rhegium: a lion’s mask:
rev., head of Apollo; finely executed; 15
784 Electrotype of Didrachm: two females holding a diota:
rev., incusum; well made; 14
785 Bag of Foreign coppers: fair to good; 540 pcs
786 Another bag: poor to good; 650 pcs
; 787 Bag of English pennies and others; poor; 500 pcs
■^ 4788 U. S. cards, tokens, etc.: poor to fine; a few pierced; 135 pcs
.?/4789 War cards, tokens, etc.: all different; good; 140 pcs
/■, , 790 Large cards, tokens, medalets, etc.: all different; fair to un-
circulated; 100 pcs
y 1^791 Coppers of many lands and all sizes; all different; fair to
fine; 600 pcs
I 792 Similar lot; 460 pcs
Lf 793 Monaco, San Marino, Siege of Mayence, Isle of Man, Ba-
hama, Barbados, Bermuda, Two-pence 1797. All different:
poor to very good; odd lot; 50 pcs
2-^794 Old French, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, etc. Uncommon lot:
all different; poor to fine; 100 pcs
> 795 Large coppers: all different; fair to fine; 85 pcs
(1^796 Large coppers and a few medals: all different; poor to fine;
65 pcs
5 797 Small silver and base; all different; very good to imcir. ; 50
' YOS Base silver: from 5 to 25 cent size; barely fair to fine; 80
*799 Coppers: all different; fair to fine; 200 pees
y*# 800 Coppers: all different; fair to fine; 200 pees
801 Coppers: all different; fair to fine; 200 pees
802 Coppers: all different; poor to fine; 200 pees
/’a 803 Coppers: all different; poor to fine; 170 pees
804 Coppers: all different; poor to fine; 150 pees
805 Coppers: all different; poor to fine; 130 pees
806 Coppers: all different; poor to fine; 100 pees
? 807 Greek and Byzantine; size 6 to 20; poor to good; 66 pees
808 Roman Bronze; few if any duplicates; barely fair to very
good; 87 pees
,i 809 Duplicate lot; similar; 87 pees
,, 810 Another lot; similar; 82 pees
, 811 Still another lot; similar; 78 j)ces
812 Constantine, and his family: varieties; fair to good; 44 pees
' 813 1st and 2d bronze; poor; 84 pees
?' 814 3d bronze: poor; 64 pees
815 Grooved Axe; 4 celts and skinner from a mound in Social
Hill, Hot Spring County, Ark.; good lot; 6 pcs
816 Arrow and Spear Points, from a mound on bank of Wachita
River, Hot Spring County, Ark.; fine lot; 10 pcs
> , 817 Turtle Charm from same place; head gone; good
818 Small Arrow Points from same place; very fine and of a supe-
rior quality; 17 pcs
819 Obsidium Arrow Points, from a grave. Cassia County, Idaho;
very fine; 5 pcs
> h 820 Obsidium, etc.. Arrow Points and Drills, Alturas Co., Idaho;
fine; 17 pcs
t „ 821 Spear-heads, De Roche, Hot Spring County, Ark.; white;
one broken point; fine; 2 pcs
I ' 822 Drill, Wilmantic River, Oregon; very fine
823 Arrow Points, Wilmantic River, Oregon; very fine; 12 pcs
1 824 Small Arrow Points, Wilmantic River, Oregon ; very fine;
20 pcs
825 Arrow Points, Hargesta Island; near Harrisburg, Pa. ; fine ;
15 pcs
826 Knives and Arrow-heads, Susquehanna River; near Harris-
burg, Pa., fine lot; 15 pcs
827 Specimen of Native Copper, Osceola Mine, Hecla, Mich,;
very fine
3d 828 Another, similar; very fine
5" 829 Specimens of obsidium. Alturas Co., Idaho; 9 pcs
3d 830 Quartz, Crystal Mt., Ark. 3-^ in.; fine
r 831 Large specimens of Fossil Coral, Quartz, Wavellite, and
fragments of Indian Pottery; 16 pcs
$ 832 Beryl. Washington Co., N. C. Weight 5 lbs.
4 833 Phial of small Garnets, S. African diamond mines; 40 pcs
: 'U- 834 Phial. Duplicate lot; 40 pcs
4 835 Phial of pale Sapphires; Ceylon; 25 pcs
rS 836 Phial of Topazes; Brazil; 15 pcs
837 Phial of Rubies; Gravel mines of Burmah; 14 pcs
. $ 838 Free Rock Crystals; Herkimer Co,, N. Y. ; 10 pcs
839 Two specimens of same: mounted on a mirror; very pretty
(\o 840 Chinese Silver Cash: from the Province of Hoo Pe; very fine
841 Roman Denarii of Acilia, Flaminia, Vivia, Postumia, Cor-
dia, and 3 counterfeits; also 2 Quinarii; poor to good; 11
;> 842 (58 A. D.) Widow’s Mite of Claudius Felix; good
is 843 Fine Silver Locket: contains a painted picture ofLedaand
the swan; size 16x20
844 Chinese Illustrated Book, “ Sheng ii Siang Chai,” printed
by the order of the Emperor Kangsi; contains 260 full
page pictures, with explanations in English; silk cover;
h 845 Chinese Almanac, Canton print, illustrated and printed in 3
colors, valuable work, as no Chinese will undertake any
labor without consulting it; new
q 846 Chinese Handbills, etc., colors: from Hankow; 6 pcs
y 847 1881 Quiz. Shanghai illustrated paper, English; fine
848 Photograph Album, bound in full morocco, containing 40
fine imperials of Actors and Actresses: very fine and
clean; 8vo
' 849 Coin Papers, etc. 31 pcs. sold as a lot
^ 850 Priced, and partially priced and named Catalogues, of
Woodward, Harzfeld, Frossard, Strowbridge and Scott;
no duplicates; 13 pieces
1 851 Partially priced and named and unpriced Catalogues from
1878 to ’83. 55 pcs
~ 852 1846 Priced and named Catalogue of Cavaliere Campana’s
Greek and Roman Coins. Sold in London: a 12 days’
sale. Cover the worse for wear, otherwise fine
853 Various English, German, Italian, etc., unpriced, and Sales
Catalogues; some illustrated, a few not bang up; 10
\po 854 1787 Autograph of g° Washington as President, and H.
Knox as Secretary of the Society of the Cincinnati:
signed at Mount Vernon: above is an eagle within a glory
and clouds: at the left is a mailed Warrior with U. S.
flag, trampling on flags; etc. Eagle with thunderbolt on .
rocks, lightning flashes, at a human-faced and sick-looking \
lion; Britannia disgusted, making tracks for home; Ships,
Fame, Society seal; etc. To the right a few iron stains
and a little torn and mended; Parchment: very good;
15x21 in.
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